Partially assembled upon arrival, tools required: Philips screwdriver, 4-8mm Allen wrench, adjustable wrench, pliers for cable cutting.
Adjustable kid specific saddle, seat post, and slack seat-tube angle make for easy, tool-free adjustments to allow the Schwinn Twister boy's bike to grow with your child and prepare them for a full-sized bicycle
20-inch wheels ideal for riders 7-13 years old or 48-60 inches tall, tool free adjustable seat post, perfect for riding to the park or riding on the sidewalk around the neightborhood
SmartStart bikes are engineered specifically for a kid's proportions, smaller grips ans seats, lightweight frame create an easier ride and control, and narrower pedal positions
Equipped with front and rear caliper brakes with rear coaster brake, easing the transition to a bigger, hand-brake-only bike when they’re ready